Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hornet attack death toll in China reaches 41

Hornet attack death toll in China reaches 41

Staff reporters and AP, The West AustralianOctober 3, 2013, 10:36 am

Hornet attack death toll in China reaches 41Hornet attack death toll in China reaches 41
    The death toll from a rare spate of hornet attacks in central China has reached 41 people, local authorities said.
    The Shaanxi Provincial Government said in a statement that the attacks had plagued not only the city of Ankang, where 19 died as reported by the official Xinhua News Agency, but had killed 22 others in two adjacent cities in the province’s south.
    All told, more than 1,600 people have been injured, and 37 of them are in critical or serious condition in hospitals, the Provincial Government said.
    It said it has mobilised a special medic team and trained more medical personnel to treat victims, and an Ankang official told Xinhua that firefighters have been removing hornet nests.
    The Provincial Government said hornets are most aggressive in behaviour when they mate and migrate in September and October.
    Local officials have also said drier and warmer weather this year has contributed to the ferocity of attacks.
    But Environmental activists have blamed rapid urbanisation for making the problem worse as more rural land is swallowed up for urban development, intruding into habitats where hornets hunt and build their nests.
    The Chinese term for hornets is "hu feng" - those behind the deadly attacks this summer appear to be the Asian giant hornet, or Vespa mandarinia.
    They can grow up to 5cm long with a 6mm sting.

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